Race and Crime in Iowa

A brief description of the Documentation for this Work, often abbreviated in this book's text and in other places by Your Presenter as the "Inclusiveness Commentary."


- - First is Your Presenter's actual "Race and Crime in Iowa" Book, in PDF format, wherein is described the demographic record of the people of Ames, and of Story County, and of Iowa in general; then a description of the crime rates, derived from responses to Your Presenter's Public Records Requests to the several law enforcement agencies and local, state, and federal education and health departments, and followed by a serious discussion of the many racial conflicts issuing from those statistics, as such conflicts burden and oppress the people of America, and of Iowa in general, and here in Ames in particular.


- - Second is the "Final Report" of the Ames City Council's appointed "Inclusive Community Task Force," assigned the duty of inquring into the problems, conflicts, and issues claimed to exist by citizens during a November 27, 2007 public meeting titled "The Changing Face of Ames," and to report the same to the City Council, which the Task Force did.


- - "The Downside of Diverisity" is a text not directly included in Your Presenter's "Inclusiveness Commentary," nor in any of the Attachments, yet derived from those several sources, explaining how inter-racial conflicts are tearing at the "fabric" of the social structure of the local people in Ames.


- - "Attachment A." through "Attachment E." are the actual data supplied by various agencies to Your Presenter, in response to his Public Records Request, which the author used to compile the statistics as found in these reports, and provide a reliable source-foundation for his Commentary and its Conclusions in resolving the Black and White racial conflict issues.


- - "Attachment F." to "Attachment K." are relevant independent works and/or video recordings related to the subject matter of this Inclusiveness Commentary. Several of these Responses are in a "PDF" format, and others are formatted as otherwise indicated.